If you were a business owner meeting Petra Newara for the first time, you’d want to ask her two things: where she last traveled (so she can give you insider tips for your next international vacation) and what common-sense changes you should be making in the financial management of your business. With an MBA in Economics, International Relationship and Diplomacy from the University of Economics in The Czech Republic and over a decade of experience providing in-house bookkeeping and accounting services to US companies, Petra approaches her clients with both a seasoned pragmatism and a passion for excellence.
Petra joined the Reconciled team in 2017. As a senior accountant, she handles the bookkeeping needs of some of our largest clients, those with the most complex bookkeeping and accounting systems. And her depth of experience allows her to provide an advisory function to those clients as well.
Working in a bookkeeping firm rather than embedded within a company isn’t always easy for someone who values precision as much as Petra does. In her previous roles as an employee of an individual company, she had unlimited access to all the information she could want — working day in and day out with the same business team.
Now, operating on what Petra calls “the outside of the circle,” there are limits to the information to which she has ready access. That limitation can be challenging. “I sound like a control freak,” she says, laughing. But Petra sees the benefits of working with multiple clients — both for her and for the businesses she helps. Less control also means greater flexibility to think outside the box and the opportunity to use lessons learned from one client to help improve outcomes for another client.
Petra also enjoys the constant learning that comes from working with clients that are “ever-changing, evolving, and growing.” Her only option is to grow alongside them, and she genuinely enjoys it. With a healthy dose of pragmatism and common sense, Petra works to give her clients the big picture — enough information to help them make informed decisions but not so detailed and complex that they get mired in the bookkeeping details they were trying to handoff in the first place.
In the midst of all that heavy brainwork, Petra stays active. “Because of the intensity of the tasks,” says Petra, “I have to work in chunks.” In between, she moves — biking, running, yoga, ballet. Working remotely allows her to create a schedule that accommodates that kind of active lifestyle and to travel extensively while still keeping up with her client’s needs. With most of her family back in Europe, Petra, her husband, and their two girls spend a month each summer in Prague.
Interested in her current travel recommendation? Petra was recently in Venice and got to see the Miramare Castle, built in the mid-1800s for Austrian royalty. “I grew up with history and cobblestones and gorgeous architecture everywhere. I was still wowed by it.”
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